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The Future of Jobs Report 2020
External Research

World Economic Forum

The Future of Jobs report maps the jobs and skills of the future, tracking the pace of change and indicating what can be expected in the years ahead. The report aims to shed light on the pandemic-related disruptions in 2020, contextualised within a longer history of economic cycles, and details the expected outlook for technology adoption, jobs and skills in the next five years.

The researchers have aggregated the views of the business leaders making critical decisions regarding human capital with the latest data from public and private sources, and there is in-depth information for 15 industry sectors and 26 advanced and emerging countries.

Some of the key findings are that new ‘jobs of tomorrow’ creation will exceed job destruction due to technology adoption, but that inequality is likely to be exacerbated by the combination of technology and the pandemic, in the absence of proactive effort.

World Economic Forum, October 2020

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