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The Future of the Reward Profession
External Research

Centre for Excellence in Strategic Rewards, Vlerick Business School

The workplace, the ways we work – and how professionals think and feel about employment – are changing. In order to succeed, organisations and businesses need to be flexible, innovative, agile and sustainable.

But what does this mean for reward management? And how does the typical reward manager skillset stand up in today’s fast-moving, rapidly changing, fragile world? The short answer is: more stakeholder-driven, more strategic and more digital.

Read more about the future of the reward profession in this white paper (originally published here) from Vlerick’s Centre for Excellence in Strategic Rewards. The paper is based on in-depth research into where the reward profession is today – and where it needs to be in the near future.

We share the white paper below, with the permission of Vlerick’s Centre for Excellence in Strategic Rewards.

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