Three Horizons Framework – extended version

TR2050 Content

Delve deeper into the conceptual model as applied to the future of reward, to guide your thinking and preparation for what is ahead.

Hopefully you have accessed and watched TR2050’s animation of the Three Horizons Framework in its short version. We are pleased to now be able to present an extended version of the Framework animation, as applied to the future of reward.

This deep-dive into the future of reward, and exploration of the journey from today to the far future, is a useful tool for considering, discussing and preparing to meet the challenges that will face reward professionals in the years ahead.

The animation is just under 50 minutes long and is based on a script and storyboard created by TR2050. It is delivered by avatars. It explores the Three Horizons Framework, a conceptual model that was designed by Bill Sharpe of the International Futures Forum. This model was designed to be applied to whatever topic, industry or area is under consideration to help consider whatever future point is appropriate. For us, the future is 20-30 years’ time: 2050.

By applying the model to the future of reward, the animation explores the current, emerging and imagined barriers, opportunities and issues that will be experienced in the years to come. Our avatars will highlight specific disruption points and raise questions that need to be answered in order to shape solutions for the future.

TR2050 hopes you find this extended version of the Three Horizons Framework animation useful and welcome your feedback!

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